Sunday, February 23, 2014

Skin Disorders In Yorkies

Skin Disorders in Yorkies

The small size and delicate appearance of the Yorkshire Terrier makes it an appealing dog breed. Yorkies are loving, energetic and brave dogs. Their petite size does not deter them from seeking adventure. They are loyal and protective companions. But like any breed, Yorkies are prone to certain health conditions, including skin disorders.


Yorkshire Terriers are small dogs weighing approximately 7 pounds. Their average height is 6 to 7 inches. Yorkies have long silky coats that are steel blue and tan in coloration. The fur color may range from blonde to tan and be mixed with gray or black. The long glossy coat grows continuously. It is more like long, straight human hair than fur. One of the benefits of a yorkie's silky coat is that it sheds very little. The ears are small, erect and covered with short hair. The tail is carried high.


Yorkies are prone to certain health conditions such as bronchitis, cataracts and tooth decay. They have very sensitive skin and a delicate digestive system. Yorkies often suffer from allergies and may develop hot spots. Hair loss often results. Yorkshire Terriers also may experience hair loss at the site of an injection. Skin problems may occur from allergic reactions to food or products such as shampoo. The skin can easily become inflamed and red, dry patches may develop. The skin is prone to dryness and flaking.


Proper grooming can help to alleviate the symptoms of skin irritation. Regular bathing and brushing are necessary to maintain healthy skin and hair. Yorkies should be brushed daily to promote oil production in the skin to avoid unnecessary dryness and keep the hair soft, shiny and tangle free. Use products made specifically for sensitive skin. Ask your veterinarian to recommend grooming products that will be suitable for your dog.

Flea Control

Allergies to fleas and grass are the two most common causes of skin conditions in Yorkies. Keep your dog out of the grass as much as possible in order to prevent an allergic reaction to the grass. Fleas can mean disaster for dogs with sensitive skin. Since Yorkshire Terriers have naturally sensitive skin it is imperative to keep them free of fleas. Fleas allergies can cause hot spots, rough dry patches of skin and hair loss. Repeated biting and/or scratching can cause areas to become infected. Prevention is the best course of action so make sure fleas don't take up residence on your Yorkie.


Diet is another factor to be considered in keeping your dog's skin healthy. Feed your Yorkshire Terrier a premium brand of food to ensure that he receives the nutrients he needs to maintain healthy skin and hair. When switching food, make the change slowly since sudden changes in diet may cause digestive upset. Yorkshire Terriers should be fed dry food to keep their teeth clean and strong.

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