Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hole saw recommendations for recessed lights

Hole Saw recommendations for Recessed Lights

Hey Guys, I am looking for advice on what type of hole saw I should buy to cut in lightolier 1100 series lights. LIGHTOLIER - Lighting that Makes a Difference They are 6 3/4 recessed lights. Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 6 3/4 is a suckey size. A router or (zip saw) with a circle cutting jig would be you best bet Well, I happen to like Lightolier high hats. What kind of recessed do you like putting in? the guys at work have a really sweet adjustable hole cutter. It looks just like this one except it has 2 cutter blades instead of 1. Google Image Result for Not cheap and not really practical for a homeowner but it is sweet. What is the material that you need to cut the holes in? Plaster with metal lath, plaster over wood lath, drywall, ceiling tile? I prefer Halo or Juno cans. If you are installing new construction fixtures and are installing the rock your self, you attach the rock keeping fasteners about 24 (or so) away from the can. Then using a Rotozip type tool, start in the center can, go to the outside of the can and cut it out. Here is a good video showing do it: YouTube - CUTTING DRYWALL PART 3- ROTO ZIP If you cut the rock and then put it up, more times then not you will be a little off no matter how close you measure. Also for the cost of a 6+ hole saw you could just about buy a Rotozip. If using remodel type cans we just use a drywall key hole saw. A tip here if you have to use the hole saw to save your expensive hole saw run it in reverse that will save wear and tear on the teeths on hole saw. If you only do just a couple cans the keyhole saw will useally work pretty good but if you do alot of it then you can justify by buying a rotozip vs cost of large hole saws. However before you actally do that take a coat hanger or old stiff wire and poke in the hole and go around to make sure there is no obstale in the way like ductwork or offset joints etc even large drain pipe can put a damper on your plans. Merci,Marc This is mainly for myself when I put high-hats in my house or my family members houses... Mostly Sheetrock and ceiling tiles. I found this on Lightolier's website, LIGHTOLIER - Lighting that Makes a Difference I am sure it's expensive.. Yeah, that looks pretty spendy. I couldn't find anybody selling it by doing a search on Google. You can also get a compass attachment for some Rotozip type tools. I have one for my DeWalt. It is great and cuts a very nice holes and is adjustable to what ever size you need. Here you go: Recessed Lighting - Adjustable Hole Saw Thats what I use and its great I got Craftsman's 19.2 volt cordless spiral saw and it worked great for cutting circles. A spiral (rotozip) saw is also handy for cutting any shape in drywall, like for electrical boxes (rectangles). Originally Posted by Goldyfarbs This is mainly for myself when I put high-hats in my house or my family members houses... Mostly Sheetrock and ceiling tiles. I found this on Lightolier's website, LIGHTOLIER - Lighting that Makes a Difference I am sure it's expensive.. that is the exact one I was looking for when I posted the one in my post that is similar. The guy at work says this saw (the Lightolier) is about $100. It is sweet. I've used my Roto-Zip with the circle cutting attachment and it does a fine job. The only problem with the spiral saw is that it throws a LOT of dust. If you don't have a spiral saw with a circle attachment and only have a few holes to cut a stab-type drywall saw is almost as fast and the dust is more contained. Unless you are planning on doing several dozen recessed lights I don't think the cost of a hole saw can be justified.

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