Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Make A Motorcycle Girly

Many girls have starting riding and buying their own motorcycles. Since most motorcycles start out very masculine looking, you'll probably want to make some changes to make it appear more girly. After the makeover, you'll feel as though the motorcycle better suits your style.


1. Embrace the pink. Pink accessories are the most common way to make a motorcycle more girly. You can find pink bags, decals and more from motorcycle retailers like Harley Davidson.

2. Pick girl themed colors for your bike. If you want a girly motorcycle, then you don't want a black bike. Fun girl colors include reds, pinks, yellows and purples.

3. Put a girly design on the tank. If you plan to get a custom decal or paint put on your motorcycle, you'll want to pick a very feminine design. Your choices may include floral or jeweled designs.

4. Add fringe to the motorcycle. Many motorcycle riders associate fringe accessories, like handlebar pads and bags, as something a girl would like on her bike.

5. Wear girly gear while riding the bike. You can use yourself as a feminine accessory for your motorcycle. Wear shirts and helmets with female targeted messages, like "Girl Power." You can find female empowerment motorcycle apparel and gear from Motorcycle Girl Wear.

Tags: more girly, your motorcycle