Monday, December 21, 2009

Install A Python Exhaust On A Harley

Harley-Davidson motorcycles come in all shapes and sizes, but they always come with an extra helping of style. From leather upholstery to chrome exhausts, you can add aftermarket options to your Harley to give it an extra touch of personal style. Python manufactures a slip-on exhaust system designed to fit the widest range of Harleys. With the right tools and technique, you can remove your Harley's stock exhaust and fit it with an aftermarket Python exhaust.


Stock Exhaust Removal

1. Loosen the clamps securing the heat shield to the front and rear exhaust pipes, using a socket driver.

2. Locate the two headpipe mounting nuts at the cylinder head and loosen them with a socket driver.

3. Loosen and remove the clamp bolt that secures the rear headpipe to the belt drive cover.

4. Loosen the clamp bolt and remove the four bolts securing the mufflers to the mounting bar, using a socket driver.

5. Slide the mufflers off the ends of the headpipes. Remove the clamps from each muffler and set them aside for reuse.

6. Inspect the gaskets from the crossover ports where the mufflers attach to the vehicle. Replace the gaskets if needed.

Python Exhaust Installation

7. Attach the Python slip-on exhausts to the mounting brackets, using a socket driver to secure the Python kit's flange headbolts. Do not tighten.

8. Attach the exhaust clamps from the stock mufflers to the heads of the Python slip-on exhausts.

9. Slide the Python slip-on exhausts onto the Harley's headpipes and press them into place so the crossover port aligns with the gasket on the crossover bar.

10. Insert the kit's four HEX headbolts through the muffler brackets and into the Harley's mounting bar. Tighten the headbolts with a socket driver.

11. Tighten the two flange nuts at the cylinder head with a socket driver.

12. Insert the clamp bolt through the rear headpipe and into the belt drive cover. Tighten the clamp bolt with a socket driver.

13. Check the muffler and bracket to make sure they are level. Tighten the muffler and bracket mounting bolts with a socket driver.

14. Tighten the clamp holding each muffler onto the headpipes, using a socket driver.

15. Check that the heat shields of the headpipes line up evenly with the mufflers. Tighten the hose clamps with a socket driver.

16. Check to make sure that the new exhaust system does not come into contact with any flammable accessories.

17.Clean the exhaust pipes using a chrome-cleaning solvent and a clean, soft cloth.

Tags: socket driver, with socket, with socket driver, clamp bolt, using socket, using socket driver