Friday, July 17, 2009

Sew On Hog Patches

Your Harley Owners Group (HOG) patches have arrived, and you are ready to put them on and show off your Harley pride. But should you iron them on or sew them on? You can iron on many kinds of HOG patches, but just as with any patch, sewing them on keeps them from peeling away. It is a more permanent solution and one that is especially better if working with leather. Whether putting it on a jacket, vest or on jeans, sewing on a HOG patch is fairly simple. You just need to take a few extra things into consideration.


1. Choose where you wish to sew your HOG patch. The location of the patch does not matter, but be sure of the final placement. Sewing leather requires poking noticeable small holes in the fabric that will be left behind if the patch is removed.

2. Choose a thread without cotton in it. Cotton will wear away over time because of the oils in the leather, so an all polyester or waxed thread would be a better choice.

3. Pin your patch in place, making sure to catch any lining on the inside of your jacket or vest. Make sure that the lining lays where it would sit naturally. Any pulls sewn into the lining will make the garment uncomfortable to wear.

4. Ready your sewing machine by putting in a leather sewing machine needle. They are available at craft stores and have a larger tip meant to pierce through difficult fabrics. Also, make sure to set your sewing machine to the longest stitch length, since it will be working through some heavy fabric.

5. Sew close to the embroidered edges of the patch. Pivot your needle at any corners, and continue around the edges. Back-stitch at both ends.

Tags: sewing machine, your sewing machine, jacket vest, your patch, your sewing