Thursday, August 9, 2012

Listen To Coast To Coast Am For Free On Your Pc

Coast to Coast AM is a late night radio talk show program. If you don't live in an area with a station that carries Coast to Coast AM or cannot stay up for the program, you could pay for a Streamlink subscription. However, free options exist to listen to Coast to Coast AM throughout the day or during the program.


1. Listen to Coast to Coast AM while it's broadcasting; over 500 radio stations nationwide carry the show. The show time runs from 1am to 5am ET or from 10pm to 2am PT. Search the interactive map of available stations at the Coast to Coast AM website under "Stations." The Coast to Coast AM website offers a fee-based program that contains current programs and archives, as well as a next-day podcast available at iTunes. However, there are free possibilities.

2. Stream the program live via a free Web broadcast using the Free Coast to Coast AM Stream website. Click "Streams" to see a listing of the states that have Web players available. Click on a state where you'd like to play the AM station via the Web player; if one web player doesn't work, you can always try another state.

3. If you can't find a station that works for you, try AM 740 KTRH News Talk in Houston, Texas. Check the broadcast schedule for the time the station airs Coast to Coast AM. Click on the "Listen Live" link located in the top-left corner of the website. Give the player a minute to load. An ad plays and then the station streams live.

4. If you want to listen to past shows free, you can listen to last night's show and older shows by using Winamp and Shoutcast with your PC. This application is likely already on your computer; if not, you can download it from the Winamp website. After it's installed, open up Winamp and go to "Online Services," followed by "Shoutcast Radio."

5. Thousands of stations are available. Go to the "Search" Box and type in "Coast to Coast AM." Usually, you'll see 2 or 3 stations listed. Depending on the time of day, you'll see various shows available. Often you'll see the previous night's show playing most of the day. Read the "Now playing" column to see which show is playing.

6. Once you've found a show you wish to hear, double click on the station name. You'll hear the show without the commercials that aired during the original broadcast.

Tags: Coast Coast, Coast Coast website, Coast website, night show, program live