Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Have A 2006 883 Harley Davidson Sportster Change The Oil And Check The Oil Level

The oil within a 2006 Harley-Davidson XL883 Sportster's oil tank is a valuable commodity, whose sole purpose is to cool and lubricate the engine's internal components. As you ride, however, the oil degrades and reduces the tank's oil level. If left unchecked, the diminished oil level can generate engine wear and cause serious damage. To avoid potential problems, Harley-Davidson recommends that you check your Sportster's oil level before every ride. Additionally, drain and replace the oil completely in 2,500-mile intervals, following the motorcycle's first 1,000-mile oil change.


Oil Level Inspection

1. Lower your Sportster onto its side stand then start its engine. Let it idle in place for three minutes to warm up its oil, and then stop the engine.

2. Push down on the oil filler cap's retractable top, positioned on the right side of the Sportster's oil tank, then twist the cap counterclockwise until it can be pulled free. Wipe the dipstick on the end of the filler cap clean with a shop towel. Take note of the "Full" and "Fill" lines etched into the dipstick.

3. Reinsert the dipstick into the oil tank until it seats completely against the oil-tank filler neck, and then withdraw the dipstick. If the oil level is even with or below the "Fill" line, pour a small amount of 20W50 engine oil into the oil tank and recheck the oil level until the tank has the proper amount of oil.

4. Wipe the dipstick clean with your shop towel and reinsert it into the oil tank. Twist the filler cap clockwise to lock it into place, and then push down on the cap's retractable top until it clicks into place. The top of the oil cap will sit flush with the top of the oil tank.

Engine Oil Change

5. Warm up your Sportster's motor for three minutes, and then stop the engine. Place your Sportster on a motorcycle stand to hold it in an upright position.

6. Push down on the oil filler cap's retractable top, positioned on the right side of your Sportster's oil tank, then twist the cap counterclockwise until it can be pulled free. Wipe the dipstick on the end of the filler cap clean with a shop towel.

7. Loosen the oil-drain hose clamp on the motorcycle's frame below the rear swing arm, using a flat-head screwdriver. Pull the oil-drain hose off the frame and drain the engine oil into a drain pan.

8. Wipe the drain-hose mounting stud with a shop towel to remove any build-up or dirt, and then push the drain hose onto it. Tighten the drain hose clamp with a flat screwdriver.

9. Unscrew the oil filter from the front of the engine, using a filter wrench. Wipe the oil pump found behind the oil filter, clean with a shop towel.

10. Fill the new oil filter with 4 ounces of 20W50 engine oil and spread an even coat of oil around its gasket. Screw the filter onto the oil pump by hand until it seats firmly against the oil pump, and then tighten it an additional quarter-turn.

11. Place a funnel into the oil-tank filler neck. Pour a maximum of 92 ounces of 20W50 engine oil into the oil tank, and then remove the funnel.

12. Wipe the dipstick clean with your shop towel and reinsert it into the oil tank. Twist the filler cap clockwise to lock it into place, and then push down on the cap's retractable top until it clicks into place. The top of the oil cap sits flush with the top of the oil tank.

13. Remove your Sportster from the motorcycle stand, the start its engine again and let it idle in place for three minutes to circulate the fresh oil. Stop the engine and check the oil level. Add oil as needed, and then lock the oil filler cap in place.

Tags: shop towel, your Sportster, clean with, into tank, into place, Wipe dipstick