Monday, August 27, 2012

Find Free Cool Backgrounds For Your Computer Desktop

Backgrounds or wallpaper give your desktop a personalized and more exciting look. Although Windows comes with a variety of preloaded backgrounds, adding your own gives it a cooler and more exciting look. Whether you're interested in a wallpaper of your favorite artist or movie, or an abstract image, several websites offer free backgrounds to enhance your desktop. Once you find a background, you can instantly set it as your wallpaper or save it in a location you choose.


1. Navigate to a website such as, or These websites offer free desktop backgrounds.

2. Scroll through the list of desktop wallpapers. If you don't see what you're looking for, use the search box to locate a background, or click any of the provided categories to navigate through a variety of selections. Depending on the website, categories can include movies, music, abstract, actors and sports.

3. Right-click the image you want to use as a background wallpaper and click "Set as background." Alternatively, right-click the image and click "Save as" to launch the file-saving dialog box. Select a location to save the image to and click "OK."

4. Click the "Start" button and click "Control Panel." Type "desktop background" (without quotes) in the search box and click "Change desktop background."

5. Click the "Browse" button in the Picture Location section and select the wallpaper from the location you saved it in.

6. Click the arrow under Picture Position and select a display option. Click "Save changes" to add the wallpaper to the desktop.

Tags: desktop background, exciting look, image click, more exciting, more exciting look