Monday, November 22, 2010

Install A Power Commander On A Softail

Motocycle engine

The Dynojet Power Commander is a module designed to make adjustments to the fuel air mixture on the Harley-Davidson softail as well as other motorcycle brands. This unit can be programmed either with a Windows computer or by using the built-in buttons. Changes made to the mixture are not permanent, and the motorcycle reverts to the original factory settings once the unit is removed. A Power Commander is required for many different engine upgrades, including exhaust systems.


1. Remove the seat. Unplug the engine control module (ECM) from the wiring harness, located just beneath the seat. Remove the nuts and take out the ECM.

2. Remove the bolt that connects the seat strap to the rear fender.

3. Remove the ECM bracket. Reinstall the ECM bracket nuts.

4. Connect the positive crankcase ventilation valve (PCV) between the stock wiring harness and the ECM. Move the PCV and stock connector as close to the fuse box as possible; this will not remain flat against the motorcycle's frame.

5. Connect the ECM to the rear fender by using the Velcro straps supplied with the Power Commander. Place the ECM as far down the fender as possible.

6. Secure the security module on the right side of the motorcycle next to the tail light connector.

7. Strap the PCV to the top of the battery with Velcro straps.

8. Remove the oxygen sensor cover from the front of the motorcycle. Remove the oxygen sensor from the wiring harness.

9. Plug the oxygen sensor eliminator, supplied with the Power Commander, into the stock wiring harness. The stock oxygen sensor will remain unplugged and unused. Reinstall the sensor cover.

10. Unplug the rear oxygen sensor, under the right hand side of the oil tank, from the stock wiring harness. Plug the second Dynojet oxygen sensor eliminator into the stock wiring harness. The rear stock oxygen sensor will remain unplugged and unused.

Tags: oxygen sensor, wiring harness, Power Commander, stock wiring, stock wiring harness, will remain, from wiring