Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hook Up A Video Selector

TVs have a limited number of input jacks you can use to connect your accessories. If your TV only has one composite HD input option and you have three accessories that you want to connect with composite HD cables, you can use a video selector to connect all of your accessories at once. Then, you can switch between the accessories by changing which accessory the video selector outputs to the TV.


1. Insert the cables into the proper output jacks on all of the accessories that you want to connect to the video selector. Most video selectors either use color-coded composite HD cables or color-coded standard A/V cables, so you just need to match up the colors on the cable to the output jacks.

2. Insert the other ends of the cables into the input jacks on the video selector.

3. Insert another cable into the output jacks on the video selector.

4. Insert the other end of the last cable into the input jacks on the television. Your video selector is now properly hooked up.

Tags: video selector, input jacks, output jacks, accessories that, accessories that want, cable into