Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Harleydavidson Birthday Cake Ideas

Harley-Davidson Logo

The Harley-Davidson Motor Co. has become a staple of the motorcycle industry. It is arguably the most popular motorcycle brand on the planet, with its logo on its bikes and every conceivable product on the market--coolers, clothes, dishware, lighters, towels, ashtrays, clocks, even funeral markers are stamped with that distinctive shield. Does this Spark an idea?


Re-creating the logo is an easy way to make your cake a Harley-Davidson cake. Print the logo off the Internet and use it as a stencil, or just dive in and freehand it. Just make sure you get that distinctive logo front and center.


Your cake isn't going to be a Harley-Davidson cake if you use pinks and greens. Harley-Davidson cakes need to feature the Harley-Davidson colors: orange, black and white.


It's not a Harley-Davidson cake without the original Harley-Davidson product--a motorcycle. Building an edible motorcycle takes some serious ability, so you can cheat by buying a motorcycle toy or model. Put it in a place of honor on your cake, but clean it well before you do.


Paint road scenery in icing on the face and sides of the cake--grass, some sidewalk, and most importantly, the open road. Black icing for the street and yellow icing center lines look great.

Professional Cakes

Don't feel like making your cake? No problem. Get a cake made at a specialty bakery. Just bring in a photo of your bike or anything else that you feel screams Harley-Davidson. Work with the cake maker to design it, then sit back, relax and wait for the motorcycle monument to take shape.

Tags: Harley-Davidson cake, that distinctive, your cake