Friday, April 6, 2012

Replace A Cabin Filter In A 2003 Ford F150 Harleydavidson Truck

Replace a Cabin Filter in a 2003 Ford F150 Harley-Davidson Truck

The 2003 Ford F150 Harley-Davidson edition uses the same cabin air filter as the standard Ford F150. The filter rests inside a housing that tucks into the dash, just above the glove box. The filter cleans the air brought into the cabin. It removes contaminants, allergens and pollution. If you have put 15,000 miles on your Ford Harley-Davidson special edition F150, it is time to change that cabin air filter.


1. Open the door on the Ford glove box and remove everything in it.

2. Locate the two screws on inside of the glove box's top side. Remove them with a flat-head screwdriver.

3. Pull down on the F150's glove box to separate it from the dash. This exposes the filter housing for the Harley-Davidson special edition truck.

4. Pull the cover off the housing and remove the filter from the housing.

5. Push the new filter into the housing and push the cover back on.

6. Push the glove box against the dash and secure it into place using the screws and screwdriver.

Tags: Ford F150, 2003 Ford, 2003 Ford F150, Cabin Filter, cabin filter, Cabin Filter 2003, F150 Harley-Davidson