Monday, November 12, 2012

500 Kawasaki Vulcan Clutch Lever Replacement Procedures

Providing classic cruiser styling with an easy-to-manage 500cc motor, Kawasaki's smallest Vulcan motorcycle is a perfect fit for new riders. Unfortunately, new motorcyclists are prone to dropping their motorcycles, mostly at a complete standstill; bent or broken brake and clutch levers are usually the telltale sign of an new rider. Replacing a damaged lever, a task that only requires a few basic tools, can restore the appearance of your Vulcan and boost your confidence by erasing the evidence of an unintentional accident.

Clutch Lever Replacement

Create the maximum amount of slack on the clutch cable by turning the cable adjuster on the clutch lever perch counterclockwise until it seats against the perch. The additional slack will allow you to remove and install the clutch lever without having to struggle against the cable. Using a socket wrench, remove the lever bolt and the lock nut on the bottom of the clutch perch and pull the clutch lever out of the clutch perch. Press out the small brass sleeve in the clutch lever's mounting hole with your finger and save it for the new lever. At this point the lever will only be attached to the motorcycle by the clutch cable. Remove the cable by sliding the clutch cable out of the channel cut into the lever and pull the cable end barrel out of the lever. Insert the brass sleeve into your new clutch lever and slip the cable-end barrel into place, routing the cable through the new lever's channel. Slide the lever into the clutch perch and secure it with the lever bolt and lock nut. Once the lever is secured, remove the excess cable slack by turning the cable adjuster clockwise to tighten the cable.

Brake Lever Replacement

Replacing the brake lever is actually much simpler than the clutch lever, since you will not need to hassle with a cable. Unscrew the acorn nut from the bottom of the brake lever's mounting bolt on the master cylinder. Unlike the clutch lever's mounting bolt, the brake lever's bolt is removed with a flat screwdriver. Once the bolt is removed, the lever can be pulled free from the master cylinder. Insert your new brake lever into the master cylinder and screw in the mounting bolt and acorn nut.

Tags: brake lever, clutch lever, clutch cable, clutch lever, clutch perch, lever bolt