Monday, August 9, 2010

Sell Power Cords For Scrap Metal

The copper inside your power cords can be quite valuable

The copper inside your power cords can be a surprisingly valuable resource and can be sold at your local recycling center or scrap yard. Given the multiple uses of copper, its price remains relatively high; with a little bit of work, you can capitalize on that price and contribute to local recycling efforts by stripping your wire and turning in the copper. Most recycling centers heavily discount payments for non-stripped power cords, but you can receive the full price for your copper by turning in pure copper wire.


1. Cut off the extension ends off your power cords. Using a wire cutter, cut off the tips of your power cord to remove the extensions and leave only the copper wire and protective coating.

2. Strip your wire. Using wire strippers, strip off the protective coating piece by piece until you have removed all of the protective coating and leave only solid copper wire.

3. Remove bits of copper that have been burned. If you are recycling a cord that has suffered damage, use the wire cutters to separate any burned sections of copper. You can also turn in these portions for recycling, but the price will be lower and you can get the full price for the remaining copper by separating the two types yourself.

4. Take your copper to the local recycling center or scrap yard and turn it in for cash. Be sure to check the latest price of copper to make sure you are receiving a fair price. See the resource section for a good metal-pricing resource.

Tags: power cords, your power, copper wire, local recycling, protective coating, your power cords