Monday, August 30, 2010

Create A Hannah Montana Costume

You, too, can have the best of both worlds!

Hannah Montana is a hero to many little girls. She is cool, beautiful and in control. A part-time student and part-time rock star, Hannah Montana embodies the best of both worlds. If you have a preteen girl, chances are that will be her costume of choice. Here is how you can create your very own Hannah Montana costume.


1. Get a long, blond wig that's a perfect fit. It's important that it look glamorous and well put together. No unprofessional wigs thrown together at the last minute are allowed. Take the time to create a sophisticated look that's fit for a rock star.

2. Put on a necklace. There is an official Hannah Montana necklace listed under the Resources section. As an alternative, you can choose a simple star-shaped necklace. Most discount stores have some form of star-shaped jewelry. This is an important part of the costume.

3. Choose your rock star top. A sparkling top that matches the color of your star jewelry is best. You can use your imagination a bit here as Hannah does change her wardrobe, and you will still be easily recognizable as the pop star princess.

4. Put on a red sequined jacket over your rock star top. Sequins and sparkles are very, very Hannah. Make sure it is form-fitting, but make sure it is not tight. The last thing you want to do is make a mockery or adult version of this classic character. This is a costume that should represent what the television character is for young girls--cool yet modest.

5. Wear a plaid skirt above the needs with red in it to match your jacket. Add glitter over the skirt for more fun.

6. Put on black tights. You want to stay true to Hannah's style down to the details.

7. Wear fashion or cowboy boots that match or contrast your costume colors. While this may be the last part of the costume, it just may be the most important. Shoes are vital to Hannah's sense of fashion and fun when performing.

Tags: Hannah Montana, rock star, best both, best both worlds, both worlds, part costume, very Hannah