Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Remove The Battery In A 2005 Electra Glide Ultra Classic

A 2005 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic's battery is within the motorcycle's frame, just below the rider's seat. While most Harley-Davidson motorcycles offer easy removal of the seat, the Ultra Classic's rear-mounted tour pack complicates the process by impeding access to the seat bolt. The grab strap on the passenger's portion of the seat also prevents the seat from being removed. Although the owner's manual calls for removal of the tour pack and the saddlebags, removing the seat is much simpler than it appears.


1. Unlatch the left saddlebag and open its lid completely. Insert a Phillips screwdriver into the gap between the lid and the saddlebag to unscrew the bolt that secures the passenger grab strap to the motorcycle. Lift the strap off the seat and drape it over the right saddlebag.

2. Reach under the Tour pack to access the seat's mounting bolt on the rear fender. Unscrew the bolt, using a short Phillips screwdriver.

3. Place your hand on the rear of the seat and lift it upward slightly. Pull the seat away from the tank until the tab under the front of the seat has been removed from the frame. Set the seat aside.

4. Remove the screw from the battery clamp, using a Phillips screwdriver, and lift the clamp away. Using the screwdriver, unscrew the battery cable bolts, starting with the negative terminal followed by the positive terminal. Lift the battery out of its tray.

Tags: Phillips screwdriver, Ultra Classic, access seat, grab strap, tour pack