Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Make A Chopper Pinata

For a kid who loves motorcycles, an American Chopper-themed party could be a blast. Toss in a Chopper-shaped pinata, and the party is a classic. Pinatas are relatively simply to make on your own, but to make them convincingly bike-shaped can take a few tries. Does this Spark an idea?


Papier Mache and Construction

1. Draw or print the picture of a chopper on one of the large sheets of paper. Draw a rough outline around the whole thing, and trace that outline onto two other sheets. Cut both drawings out.

2. Inflate one or two balloons. Place one outline face down and tape the balloons to it, covering as much of the drawing as you can with a balloon. Tape the other outline on top of the balloons and stuff the space between the balloons and the drawing with crumpled up newspaper.

You now have a mold for the chopper design.

3. Mix the school glue or flour with the water in a large bowl.

4. Tear more newspaper into 1 to 1-1/2-inch strips.

5. Dip these strips in the paste and drape them over the chopper mold. Cover the entire mold in strips of newspaper before flipping the mold over and covering the other side.

6. Wait a few minutes and repeat step 5 until there are four layers of newspaper covering the mold.

7. Leave the pinata to dry overnight.

8. Pop the balloons through the paper-mache. Cut a small hole in the top and pull out the balloon fragments.

9. Paint and decorate the pinata. Cut fringes of crepe paper to cover the surrounding edges and make the traditional frilly pinata shape.

Finally, glue the chopper drawing on the side of the pinata and color it in.

10. Stuff the pinata with candy through the hole you cut, and then tape or glue the hole closed. Punch another small hole in it, and tie a rope through the two holes.

Playing with the Pinata

11. Hang the rope over a tree, suspending the pinata above the ground at a height the children can reach.

12. Blindfold and spin the first player, put a baseball bat or stick in their hand.

13. Let the kids whack at the pinata until the candy comes out.

Tags: drawing with, small hole