Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Instructions On Install Hard Saddlebags For Sportsters

Regardless of the model, Harley-Davidson motorcycles are American icons of the road. In endless iterations in popular culture, they've represented danger, freedom and power. In reality, however, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle provides little storage space for the things you may need while heading down the road. The solution is to mount a pair of saddlebags on your bike. Fortunately, installing hard saddlebags on a Harley-Davidson Sportster is not that difficult.


1. Push the hex screw through the forward hole in the fender, starting on the underside. Make sure the screw passes through the fender support.

2. Slide the narrow end of the docking point over the bolt. Place a spacer over the top of it, followed by a short bushing.

3. Push the hex screw through the rear hole in the fender, starting on the underside. Make sure the screw passes through the fender support.

4. Slide the wide end of the docking point over the rear bolt, then place a long bushing over it.

5. Ratchet the mounting bolt into place at the top of the shock.

6. Slide the holes on the back of the saddlebag onto the bolts.

7. Tighten the lock nuts onto the bolts from inside the saddlebag, using a ratchet.

8. Place the plastic thread protectors over the bolts. They look like black, plastic end caps, and they will prevent your hands from being cut when you place items in your saddlebag.

9. Repeat the process on the second saddlebag.

Tags: docking point, docking point over, fender starting, fender starting underside, fender support, fender support Slide