Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sew A Stuffed Black Bear

Sewing a huggable stuffed bear can be a personal alternative to buying your own.

A teddy bear can be bought in almost any toy store but a stuffed black bear that you sew yourself can be a personal spin on a classic for a gift or your own home. Using a soft black material cut into basic shapes, poly-fill or cotton stuffing and buttons, you can make your own stuffed black bear. Using a fake fur fabric can give you a modern fluffy look and a smooth fabric can make your stuff stuffed black bear look vintage.


1. Cut a 4-by-4-inch square for the back of the head. Cut four equilateral triangles with 4-inch sides. Sew the triangles with right sides together in a pyramid shape. Pin the square with the right side facing in to the pyramid and sew a 1/4-inch seam on the sides of the square leaving the top and bottom open. Turn it inside out to hide the sewn seams and fold the open edges in 1/4 inch and pin them closed.

2. Cut four circles of fabric with a 1-inch diameter. Sew two sets of these with right sides together, 3/4 of the way around the circle. Turn the circles inside out to hide the seams and put them between one of the open edges of the pyramid shape between the pinned pieces of fabric. Stitch this seam closed with a 1/8-inch inseam. Unpin the last un-sewn side of this shape and stuff it. Pin it closed again. This is the head.

3. Cut two ovals that are 8 inches tall and sew all around it with a 1/4-inch inseam, but leave 2 inches open at the top of the oval shape. Turn it inside out and stuff it. Pin the open part closed with the raw edges folded in and sew it closed with a whip stitch. Put this between the open edge of the head and sew the seam closed, attaching the body to the head in the process.

4. Cut eight pieces of oval shaped fabric 6 inches long and 2 inches wide for arms and legs. Pin them together in sets of two so you have two arms and two legs. Sew around each pinned pair of fabric with a 1/4 inch inseam leaving 1 inch at the bottom open. Turn them inside out and stuff them. Pin the opening closed with the rough edges turned under and close with a whip stitch.

5. Tack the arms and legs into place at the seams of the body where you want them.

6. Sew buttons onto the head for eyes.

Tags: closed with, arms legs, black bear, stuffed black, with right, between open, bottom open