Thursday, June 17, 2010

Change The Oil In A 2005 Xlr Harley Davidson Sportster

The 2005 XL883R was the racier, roadster variation of Harley-Davidson's venerable Sportster series. Although the 883R can be ridden enthusiastically for miles, it will eventually need a refreshing of its internal oil supply. Like most of the Harley-Davidson lineup, the 883R uses two separate oil types to lubricate its engine and its combined primary drive and transmission. Both oil types should be changed simultaneously at 2,500-mile intervals, or once a year, whichever comes first.


1. Park your XL883R on its side stand, then start the engine and let it idle for three to five minutes. Stop the engine and let it cool for another 10 minutes.

2. Place your XL883R on a motorcycle stand or lift to hold it in an upright position.

3. Unscrew the filler cap from the oil tank below the right side of the rider's seat. Loosen the oil drain hose clamp, held in place by a bracket under the motorcycle's frame and engine, using a flat screwdriver. Pull the drain hose off its bracket and allow the engine oil to drain into a 5-quart oil drain pan. Push the oil drain hose back onto its bracket, then tighten the drain hose clamp.

4. Wrap a shop towel around the base of the oil filter, placed at the front-left side of the engine, to absorb any remaining oil in the oil circuit. Unscrew the oil filter from the oil pump with an oil filter wrench. Wipe the oil pump clean with a shop towel.

5. Remove the new oil filter from its packaging, then spread a coat of 20W50 motor oil around the oil filter's gasket. Screw the filter into place by hand until it is seated against the oil pump, then tighten it an additional quarter-turn.

6. Place a funnel into the oil tank's filler neck, found below the right side of the rider's seat. Pour three quarts of 20W50 motor oil into the oil tank, then screw the filler cap back on.

7. Unscrew the primary cover drain bolt, placed directly under the large round clutch inspection cover, using a 5/8-inch socket and a socket wrench. Drain the primary drive oil into your oil drain pan. Clean the drain plug tip with a shop towel, then screw it into place by hand. Tighten the drain plug to 14 foot-pounds, using a 5/8-inch socket and a torque wrench.

8. Unscrew the clutch inspection cover bolts with a T45 Torx driver, then pull the cover and its gasket away from the primary cover. Pour one quart of Harley-Davidson Primary oil into the clutch inspection port, using a funnel. Remove the funnel and wipe away any spilled oil.

9. Reinstall the clutch inspection cover and gasket onto the primary drive cover. Screw the clutch inspection cover bolts into place with a T45 Torx driver until they are lightly seated against the cover. Tighten the bolts to 108 inch-pounds with a T45 Torx socket and a torque wrench, alternating between bolts in a criss-cross pattern.

10. Remove your XL883R from the stand and lower it onto its side stand. Start the engine and watch for leaks around the oil filter and both drain plugs. If a leak forms at any of these areas, tighten the oil filter or drain plugs an addition quarter-turn. Stop the engine if there are no oil leaks.

Tags: clutch inspection, clutch inspection cover, drain hose, inspection cover, into place, primary drive, shop towel