Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Put Two Pictures Together As One

Put Two Pictures Together As One

Creating an artistic look by combining two different pictures or taking two versions of the same view and blending them seamlessly is a useful skill to learn. And it is easy to master even if you only have a basic knowledge of graphics programs. Then, once you've improved your abilities, you can experiment with different backgrounds and filter effects.

These instructions are for use with Adobe Photoshop, but many Windows-based graphics programs share the same basic commands.


1. Create a new workspace by pressing "Control N" or "Alt+File+New." Choose the size of the workspace, color mode and the content in the new workspace dialogue box.

2. Open the two photos you want to combine. Highlight one, and then select the entire picture by pressing "Control A" or "Alt+Select All."

3. Use "Control C" or "Alt+Edit+Copy"; then put your cursor in the blank workspace and press "Control V" or "Alt+Edit+Paste."

4. Select the "Move" tool from the "Tools" window-open the "Tools" window by opening the "Window" drop-down menu. Make sure "Tools" is checked, then use the application to move the picture you just pasted to where you want it in the workspace.

5. Repeat these steps with the other picture you want to combine with the first picture.

6. Use the "Crop" tool to define the picture. Select the area you want to keep, and then press the "Enter" key to remove the areas you don't want to use.

7. Save the picture by clicking "Control S" or "Alt+File+Save." If you want to save the picture in a different format, use "Shift+Control-S" or "Alt+File-A" and select the format you prefer.

Tags: Control Edit, Control File, graphics programs, Pictures Together, pressing Control, want combine